Everyday Warrior Inspirational Thought

Here’s my monthly #everydaywarriorinspirationalthought y’all (wisdom inspired by my debut album EW): Purpose. Often times I show up and I have my idea of how I want things to be, how I should be and then, I’m faced with how things are, life, the situation as it is. Different from how I envisioned it. The one thing that brings me back to my authenticity in a heartbeat is tapping into my purpose. Why am I here? Why am I in this space. What did I come to this space to do? To share my gifts? To sing? To create a space for community healing? When I focus on the action of doing that, nothing else matters. Although everything may not fall into place perfectly, at least I am in alignment with my purpose. My purpose is securely in place!!!! I must let God, life, higher purpose use me