MUSIC & CHILLAXATION SESSIONS: Sonic Affirmations 4 Life


Dorian's MUSIC & CHILLAXATION SESSIONS take you back to the old school way that artists would talk to you on their music tracks. Usually to further expand on the theme of a song, Dorian uses this device to shower you with insights and affirmations using songs from his albums to underscore each short session.

Allow yourself to choose

Dorian's MUSIC & CHILLAXATION SESSIONS take you back to the old school way that artists would talk to you on their music tracks. Usually to further expand on the theme of a song, Dorian uses this device to shower you with insights and affirmations using songs from his albums to underscore each short session.

Allow yourself to choose intuitively which session you'd like to listen to based on what you need or let the entire playlist flow, showering yourself with affirmations meant to uplift, inspire and empower you.

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